To-Do App Using React, Vite, and Bootstrap - Part 1: Set Up the Application
Mar 31, 2024
Updated on June 8, 2024
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. At its core, React empowers developers to construct interactive web applications through a paradigm centered around components. These building blocks encapsulate distinct UI elements, each with its own functionality and state, fostering a modular and reusable approach to web development. Complementing React's prowess, tools like Vite provide lightning-fast development environments, while frameworks like Bootstrap offer pre-designed components for rapid prototyping. In this tutorial, we'll explore React's component-driven approach using the development environment provided by Vite and the styling conveniences offered by Bootstrap. In this post, we'll build a simple to-do app using React 18.2.0, Vite 5.2.7, and Bootstrap 5.3.3, demonstrating how these technologies seamlessly integrate to create modern web applications.
- To-Do App Using React, Vite, And Bootstrap: Set Up the Application
- To-Do App Using React, Vite, And Bootstrap: Create Custom Components
- To-Do App Using React, Vite, And Bootstrap: Create Tasks
- To-Do App Using React, Vite, And Bootstrap: Edit Tasks
- To-Do App Using React, Vite, And Bootstrap: Delete and Update Tasks Status
Set Up the Application
To set up our application, we will use the Yarn package manager. Open your terminal and enter the following command:
yarn create vite to-do-react --template react
This command will initialize a new Vite project named "to-do-react" with the React template.
Next, let's navigate into the new project folder by entering the following command:
cd to-do-react
Then, let's install the project dependencies by running the following command in the terminal:
Next, let's add Bootstrap and React Bootstrap to our project by running the following command in the terminal:
yarn add bootstrap react-bootstrap
To provide unique IDs to the tasks in our application, let's add the uuid generator to our project. Run the following command in the terminal:
yarn add uuid
Now, let's start the development server by running the following command in the terminal:
yarn dev
This command will start the development server and allow you to view your project in the browser at port 5173.
Let's open this project in our code editor. The source code lives inside the src
You can notice there is a file called App.jsx
. App.jsx
serves as a root component
file. It's the main entry point for our application and contains the App
component. This component
represents the core of our application and is responsible for rendering the main content and structure of our user
You've noticed that some files are imported into the App
component. Among them, there is
which contains styles specific to the App
component. Here, we can define styles
unique to our main application layout or that are used across multiple components within the App
Let's make some adjustments to the App.css
file to remove unnecessary styles. Open the file in your code
editor and edit it as follows:
#root {
max-width: 1280px;
padding: 2rem;
Let's import the Bootstrap CSS into our project. At the top of the App.jsx file, add the following line:
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
Let's edit the return statement inside this component as follows:
return (
<div className="container">
In this return
statement, we're returning a div element with the class name
"container" containing an h1 element. The className
attribute specifies
classes that apply to the element.
In this return
statement, we're using JSX
syntax to define the structure of our user
interface. JSX
, or JavaScript XML
, is a syntax extension that allows us to
write HTML-like code directly within JavaScript.
Key Points about JSX:
- Combining JavaScript and HTML: JSX enables us to seamlessly integrate JavaScript expressions and logic into our HTML-like code. This makes it easier to work with dynamic data and generate dynamic content within our components.
- Familiar HTML-Like Syntax: JSX closely resembles HTML syntax, making it intuitive for web developers familiar with HTML to work with React. However, it's important to note that JSX is not HTML; it's a syntactic sugar for JavaScript.
- Component-Based Structure: JSX allows us to define the structure of React components using familiar HTML tags. This promotes a component-based architecture, where each component represents a reusable UI element with its own functionality and state.
Now, let's delete some unnecessary imports and code. In the App.jsx
file, remove the following imports:
import reactLogo from "./assets/react.svg";
import viteLogo from "/vite.svg";
Additionally, delete the following line of code:
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
In our React project, App.jsx
is imported into another file called
. This is where our application is bootstrapped, and where we tell React to
start rendering our App
Additionally, in main.jsx
, another CSS
file called index.css
is imported. This
file serves as the entry point for global styles in our application, where we define styles that apply across the
entire project.
Let's edit this file to remove unnecessary styles. Open it and edit it as follows:
:root {
font-family: Inter, system-ui, Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
line-height: 1.5;
font-weight: 400;
body {
margin: 0;
min-height: 100vh;
h1 {
font-size: 3.2em;
line-height: 1.1;
Display Lists
Below the h1 element, we'll display a list of tasks. For now, we'll create a tasks
and populate it with some data. Each task will have an ID, a title, and a completed status, which is
by default. We'll generate the IDs using the uuid
In our App
component, import the uuid generator below the other import statements:
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
Before the return statement, let's add the tasks array:
const tasks = [
{ id: uuidv4(), title: "Feed the cats", completed: false },
{ id: uuidv4(), title: "Exercise", completed: true },
{ id: uuidv4(), title: "Go Shopping", completed: false },
This array contains some initial tasks with unique IDs generated using the uuid generator, along with their titles and completion status.
Below the h1 tag, we'll display these tasks:
<ul className="mt-5 list-unstyled">
{ => (
<li key={}>
In this code snippet, we're mapping over the tasks array and rendering each task's title within a li element.
You've noticed that we've used curly braces to retrieve the task titles and IDs.
Using the JSX
syntax, we can embed JavaScript expressions within curly braces
directly inside our HTML-like code. This enables us to dynamically render data and
execute logic within our components.
When we enclose a JavaScript variable or expression within curly braces {}
, React will evaluate it and display the result.
To each li element, we've passed a key
. Props
(short for
properties) are very important in React. They allow us to customize and configure child components by
passing data as attributes. Here, we've passed a key
from the ul
element to the li elements.
Purpose of the Key Prop:
The key
is a special attribute that React uses to keep track of
elements within a list. It helps React identify each element uniquely and efficiently reconcile
changes when the list is updated.
Why Keys Are Important:
Without a key
, React may re-render every item in the list, leading to
performance issues, especially with large datasets. With a key
, React can optimize
updates by only re-rendering the elements that have changed or moved within the list.
Best Practices for Keys:
Keys should be unique among siblings within the same list. They don't need to be globally unique, but they should be unique within the context of their parent component.
It's recommended to use stable identifiers as keys, such as unique IDs from your data, rather than using array indices.