Use Sweet Alert 2 with a Destroy Button in Ruby on Rails 7

In this post, we will discuss how we can integrate the Sweet Alert 2 library into a Rails 7 application. We will build a simple blog app and use SweetAlert2 for delete confirmation. We will use Rails 7.0.4 and Ruby 3.1.2.

Set Up a New Application

Let's get started by creating a new application. In the terminal, we type:

rails new my_blog

Then we change directories into this new project folder:

cd my_blog

 Next, in the app/javascript/ folder, we'll create a sub-folder that we'll call js. In the js folder, we will create a main.js file where we'll put our custom code. Then in config/importmap.rb, we add this:

pin_all_from "app/javascript/js", under: "js"

Now we can import main.js in app/javascript/application.js:

import "js/main"

Import Sweet Alert 2

We will use importmap to import the Sweet Alert 2 library into our application. In the terminal, we type the following command:

bin/importmap pin sweetalert2

Then in the main.js file we just created, we'll import it:

import Swal from "sweetalert2"
import * as sweetalert2 from "sweetalert2"

Generate a Scaffold for the Post Resource

Next, we will generate a scaffold for our Post resource:

bin/rails g scaffold Post title:string content:string

Let's run the migration:

bin/rails db:migrate

Let's set the root route of our application to the Post index action. In config/routes.rb, put this at the top:

root 'posts#index'

By default, Rails use the button_to helper for the destroy actions. This helper generates a form with a button that submits to an URL. This form has a class attribute with a default value of button_to. Let's edit the Post show view to override this default. We want something more specific. We will use the form_class option to do that:

<%= button_to "Destroy this post", @post, method: :delete, form_class: 'delete-post' %>

Write the JavaScript Code

Finally, let's write the necessary JavaScript code to present a sweet alert box when users click this button. Let's open the main.js file we created and add the following code:

window.addEventListener(('turbo:load'), () => {
  document.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
    if ( && === 'delete-post') {
        title: "Are you sure?",
        showCancelButton: true
        .then((result) => {
          if (result.isConfirmed) {

We cancel the event, then present the user with a sweet alert. The alert has a cancel button and a confirm button. If the user confirms they want to delete the post, we submit the form, and the post is deleted.

And that's all. From now on, when the user wants to delete a post, a fancy sweet alert popup will open, asking for confirmation.

Post last updated on May 13, 2023